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Investor Portal​

Investor Portal

Curate Your Own Client Experiences

Investor Portal | Simple Interface | Smart Design | Intuitive Navigation

Our secure, point-click investor portal is designed to provide simple, context-based navigation so wealth owners and advisors can easily gain oversight over the most complex global wealth.

I love it. So simple yet so powerful.

Ultra High Net Worth Individual

Investor Portal Highlights

Personalized configuration for individual experiences.

Private Wealth Systems is a single multi-asset, multi-custodial, multi-currency portfolio management and accounting system that supports every asset class, from equities, fixed income, and derivatives, to private equity, hedge funds, real estate, to give immediate analysis by portfolio, entity, partnership, asset class, sector, country, currency, security or any custom grouping.

The first personal financial management (PFM) tool for ultra high net worth investors.

Private Wealth Systems delivers unprecedented control by empowering you to create custom attributes at the individual holding level under any account. This means two members of the same family can have opposing views on a security and our system supports those views for personalized analysis, reporting, and management. Of equal importance this is accomplished with a single security master to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data. Is Apple socially responsible? Is Amazon retail or technology? Only you can answer what is right for you.

View and analyze your net hedged exposure regardless of asset class or currency.

Private Wealth Systems portfolio manager allows you to associate a derivative instrument(s) with its underlying position to see gross and net hedged exposure for better risk management.

Track performance with world benchmarks.

You can associate a standard or custom blended benchmark at the holding, account, sector, asset class, country, portfolio, theme or strategy. We save benchmark weighting each night to maintain the integrity of historical time series analysis.

Manage even the most complex entity structures quickly and easily.

You can easily create and view portfolios across complex entity structures. Our platform maintains a complete time series tracking all changes in ownership over time.

Don't settle for wealth management technology designed for the masses.

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